Liam Neeson's best movies.

Tom Hanks' best movies.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Being Saved by Private Brian

This is my blog. Private Brian front and center. I am not in the military but Private Brian is just so catchy. Stuff about me: I like computer and x-box 360 games. Movies and films. Certain books. I Love mythology and ancient Greek and roman history.


  1. My Buddies Robby and Maggie always have back don't you guys.

  2. The main visitor of my blog currently is ME.

  3. Very Awesome Name :)
    You know the movie "Saving Private Ryan" was about these soldiers going in to rescue Ryan so he can carry on his family's legacy. So Private Brian, I see you are carrying on your family's legacy with the things you do and say....most awesome and Kewl :)
