Liam Neeson's best movies.

Tom Hanks' best movies.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Forrest Gump My review

Have some words that I will use to describe how I liked the Movie. They are Awesome, fun, sweet, touching and uplifting. It is so far one of my top favorites. It is about a guy named Forrest Gump and he is telling the story of his life to some people who are waiting for the bus. The beginning of his life is very rough because he is crippled in his legs, is learning disabled, very unpopular with others and has never knew who his father was. In is childhood he gets it to public school after his mother managing to persuaded the principle (which here means having a affair with the principle), meeting Elvis & being the inspiration behind Elvis's dance moves and meeting on the bus his best friend Genny. One of the most important and touching events is when Forrest is being chased by bullies and while Genny is screaming "Run Forrest Run" while Forrest who has leg braces is being chased he breaks free of his braces and running like the wind. He later gets to play football and become a All-American where he meets with JFK and tells him that he has to pee. But Genny however is not as successful as Forrest because she got kicked out of college for some inappropriate photos. She gets herself into even more trouble when she joins some hippes and ends up getting doing drugs and getting into prostitution. Forrest still loves her even though she is staying away from him and is willing to defend her. He Does twice in the film and these inculde when she was singing at a bar and some guys were tiring to hurt her and when here hippie boy friend Wesley hits her Gump beats the heck out of him. Forrest also goes to Vietnam were he meets Lt Dan(the legless man) and Bubba(the shrimp loving man). Bubba gets shot and killed during a attack in which Lt Dan loses his legs. Gump then gets the medal of honor for saving Lt Dan and others. Gump dose a lot more like running around the nation, starting a shrimp fishing business (BubbaGump Shrimp), playing professional ping pong and etc. Many Famous People have cameos they include John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B Johnson, Elvis, John Lennon, Coach Bryant, Governor Wallace, Abbie Hoffman and Dick Cavett. This is a great movie for many reasons. One is the acting Tom Hanks does a amazing job as Forrest Gump and the rest of the cast is very good too. It has some really good quotes like "Life is like a box of Chocaletes you never know what your going to get" and "Stupid is as stupid does". Over all Forrest Gump is a great movie about human spirit, human dignity, unconditional love, miracles, and great achievements. "Now that's all I have to say about that."